Well, 3.5 years on about first change out of on whole house BT65 filter. Indeed how do you quantify the benefits? But what I do know.
- the front of our lane was dug up to find a water leak that was supplying multiple houses.
- All the supplying pipes where lead!
- lead pipes was the deciding factor.
- taste. Our water does not taste of type of chemical back taste.
- tea and coffee is noticeably different from other friends houses when I/ we visit.
- why whole house filter. The skin IS the largest organ in the body. Itās absorbs. Therefore, when washing cloths, hands, shower, bath etc and cooking what is in the water enters you.
- I really do not know what is in the water, who actually does!
- chemical and heavy metal contamination builds up in the body over a longtime.
Water IS the fundamental of life, I therefore decided to ensure my supply is the best I can make it, as I cannot trust anyone else to do so.
Itās a simple as thatā¦